The book of Acts shows us the best ways to make the Church grow and multiply. As we read Acts, we clearly see how the early Church – the Body of Christ – grew spiritually mature, added more members and started more churches. (Act 2: 46, 47; 16: 15)


The first church in Jerusalem began in an upper room. It had only a few members – the 120 disciples. (Acts 1: 15) On the Day of the Pentecost, 3000 people were baptized, instructed in the Word and added to the church (Acts 2: 41, 42). The Jerusalem church soon had 5, 000 members (Acts 4: 4). Even among the Gentiles, multitudes were added ( 15: 14). After that, many more became disciples in Jerusalem (6: 1). A large group of priests were obedient to the faith (6: 7). A great revival began in Samaria. (8: 5-25)


More and more churches were being planted; more and more members were added to those churches. New churches were planted in Judea, Galilee and Samaria. In fact new churches were being planted every day. (Acts 9: 31; 16: 5)


As we read these "growth reports" in the Book of Acts, we cannot help but rejoice. Jesus said, "I will build My Church; and the gates of Hades will not overcome it" (Matt 16: 18). His words were fulfilled in the New Testament church. He also said, "There will be… rejoicing in Heaven over one sinner who repents…" (Luke 15: 7). We too feel that joy!

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